1-21-1984 Sgt. Slaughter MSG Promo (A sign of things to come)
2-04-1984 Iron Sheik vs. Steve Lombardi
2-04-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. John Callahan
2-11-1984 Iron Sheik vs. Ken Jugan
2-18-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Iron Sheik
2-18-1984 Andre, Jimmy Snuka vs. Sgt. Slaughter, David Schultz (Slaughter is offered a handshake after the match from Andre/Snuka)
2-20-1984 Ivan Putski, WWF Tag Team Champs Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas vs. Sgt. Slaughter, Mr. Fuji, Tiger Chung Lee (Slaughter is again offered a handshake after the match)
2-25-1984 Iron Sheik vs. Eddie Gilbert
2-25-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Spectrum Promo
2-25-1984 Iron Sheik Spectrum Promo
3-17-1984 WWF Update - Sgt. Slaughter
3-17-1984 Sgt. Slaughter LA Promo
3-17-1984 Iron Sheik LA Promo
3-24-1984 Iron Sheik Nassau Promo
3-24-1984 Piper's Pit with Iron Sheik, Blassie
3-24-1984 Iron Sheik LA Promo
3-24-1984 Sgt. Slaughter LA Promo
3-31-1984 WWF Update - Iron Sheik
3-31-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Boston Promo
3-31-1984 Iron Sheik Boston Promo
3-31-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Spectrum Interview
3-31-1984 Piper's Pit with Terry Daniels
4-07-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Boston Promo
4-07-1984 Iron Sheik MSG Promo
4-07-1984 Sgt. Slaughter MSG Promo
4-14-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Boston Promo
4-14-1984 Terry Daniels vs. Johnny Ringo
4-14-1984 Sgt. Slaughter MSG Promo
4-14-1984 Iron Sheik MSG Promo
4-21-1984 Sgt. Slaughter LA Promo
4-21-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Boston Promo
4-21-1984 Iron Sheik MSG Promo
4-21-1984 Sgt. Slaughter MSG Promo
4-23-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Iron Sheik (MSG uncensored version)
4-23-1984 Warner Wolf MSG Highlights
4-28-1984 Iron Sheik LA Promo
4-28-1984 Sgt. Slaughter LA Promo
4-28-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Tiger Chung Lee
5-12-1984 Iron Sheik Boston Promo
5-12-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Boston Promo
5-19-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Butcher Vachon (Sheik attacks Terry Daniels)
5-19-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Boston Promo
5-19-1984 Iron Sheik Boston Promo
5-19-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Iron Sheik (Cap Centre)
5-21-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Iron Sheik (MSG)
5-21-1984 Warner Wolf MSG Highlights
5-26-1984 Iron Sheik Boston Promo
5-26-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Boston Promo
5-26-1984 Iron Sheik LA Promo
5-26-1984 Sgt. Slaughter MSG Promo
5-26-1984 Iron Sheik MSG Promo
6-02-1984 Sgt. Slaughter, Blassie MSG Promos
6-09-1984 Iron Sheik Boston Promo
6-09-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Boston Promo
6-09-1984 Iron Sheik vs. Terry Daniels
6-09-1984 Iron Sheik MSG Promo
6-09-1984 Sgt. Slaughter MSG Promo
6-09-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Iron Sheik (Cap Centre Bootcamp Match)
6-16-1984 Iron Sheik Boston Promo
6-16-1984 Sgt. Slaughter MSG Promo
6-16-1984 Iron Sheik MSG Promo
6-16-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Iron Sheik (MSG Bootcamp Match)
6-23-1984 Iron Sheik Boston Promo
6-23-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Boston Promo
6-30-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Keil Promo
7-03-1984 Terry Daniels on TNT
7-03-1984 Sgt. Slaughter visits the Statue of Liberty
7-21-1984 WWF Update - Sgt. Slaughter
8-04-1984 Terry Daniels Interview
8-04-1984 WWF Update - Sgt. Slaughter
8-18-1984 Piper's Pit with Sgt. Slaughter
8-25-1984 Iron Sheik Interview
9-08-1984 Piper's Pit with Nikolai Volkoff, Blassie
9-15-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Statue of Liberty Segment
9-15-1984 Iron Sheik Boston Promo
9-22-1984 Terry Daniels vs. Nikolai Volkoff (the end of Terry Daniels)
9-23-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Iron Sheik (MLG)
9-29-1984 Sgt. Slaughter, JYD Boston Promo
10-06-1984 Iron Sheik Vancouver Promo
10-06-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Vancouver Promo
10-06-1984 Sgt. Slaughter, JYD Boston Promo
10-06-1984 Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff Boston Promo
10-13-1984 Sgt. Slaughter, JYD vs. Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff (Spectrum, Slaughter and JYD come out to George Thorogoods Bad to the Bone)
10-14-1984 Sgt. Slaughter, Andre Meadowlands Promo
10-14-1984 Sgt. Slaughter, Andre vs. Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff (Meadowlands, Slaughter and Andre come out to Neil Diamonds Coming to America)
10-16-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Cobra Corps Training
10-20-1984 Nikolai Volkoff MSG Promo
10-22-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Prematch Interview
10-22-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Nikolai Volkoff (MSG)
10-27-1984 Sgt. Slaughter, JYD LA Promo
10-30-1984 Sgt. Slaughter on TNT 1
10-30-1984 Sgt. Slaughter on TNT 2
11-03-1984 Piper's Pit with Nikolai Volkoff, Blassie
11-03-1984 Nikolai Volkoff LA Promo
11-03-1984 Sgt. Slaughter LA Promo
11-10-1984 Nikolai Volkoff Vancouver Promo
11-10-1984 Sgt. Slaughter, JYD LA Promo
11-10-1984 Sgt. Slaughter, JYD vs. Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff (Spectrum Texas Tornado Match)
11-17-1984 Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff LA Promo
11-17-1984 Sgt. Slaughter, JYD LA Promo
11-17-1984 Nikolai Volkoff Vancouver Promo
11-17-1984 Nikolai Volkoff Vancouver Promo 2
11-24-1984 Sgt. Slaughter LA Promo
11-24-1984 Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff LA Promo
12-01-1984 WWF Update - Nikolai Volkoff
12-01-1984 Sgt. Slaughter Vancouver Promo
12-10-1984 Sgt. Slaughter vs. Nikolai Volkoff (MSG)
BONUS The Morning Show segment on Sgt. Slaughter, Iron Sheik and Blassie
BONUS Iron Sheik, Blassie TBS Interview (I didn't have an exact date for this so I'm including it as a bonus)